Much of China's development has been achieved through a very flexible system of local governance where collective management plays an important role.
US trade deficit would decrease very little (~3%) in case of a substantial RMB revaluation, global effect on the US might even be negative.
Many Western specialists and even Chinese intellectuals praise the Tibetan society for its tradition of granting equal rights to women. However, the reality on the ground is generally quite different.
Even though development was initially driven mainly by Han and Hui Chinese, Tibetans are more and more active in setting up businesses.
The Tibetan monasteries play an important role not only in economic development, but also in education. The complementarity between the public and monastic schools is certainly a major asset.
Even though Tibetan keyboards are available on most (but not all) systems, the problem of computer literacy in Tibetan is far from being solved.
The cost in lives of pollution must be seen in relation to the number of lives saved by industrialization.
China is often described as the World's worst polluter. Many aspects of environment protection are systematically ignored with such sweeping statements.
An analysis of the situation of the students in China.
In the Western media, the Chinese communist party is often described as a monolithic being with its own feelings and fears. This cliche only prevents us from understanding what is going on in China
Since the birth of the modern human rights concept in 1948, Europe has been busy amputating the human rights of an important part, i.e. the economic, social and cultural rights.
What is the relation between industrialization and human rights? It is probably closer than you think...
Because many governments don't care about providing their population with access to health care, millions of babies die every year; but our media will never call this what it is: a human rights violation.
The presidency of Nelson Mandela was a huge catastrophe for the babies born in these years, and for the health of the population in general.
Malala should get our support for her projects, but awarding her the Nobel Peace Prize sends a totally wrong signal