The rainbowbuilders chart app is extensively used throughout this website and in many others across the world to display statistical data relevant to socio-economic development. It features line charts and scatter plots (xy-charts). All the charts can easily be shared on the social media and per email or integrated into any website and PowerPoint slideshow. The charts are interactive, which allows easy customization (e.g. selecting other countries) and verification of all the data at their source. The app includes some methods for statistical analysis.
Configuration of a chart
Each chart is entirely determined by their URL query, i.e. the part of their web address behind the "?". When you see a chart displayed as standalone webpage or integrated into a website, just click "Customize - Link to the chart for sharing", and you will get the URL which allows you to display exactly the chart you were seeing. You will also get there the HTML code necessary for integrating the chart into a webpage within an iframe tag.
The rainbowbuilders chart app was originally based on the chartjs project (http://www.chartjs.org), available under MIT license, but ultimately almost all the code has been replaced by our own code.
The Sylvester library by James Coglan (http://sylvester.jcoglan.com) is used to performe the necessary matrix calculations (e.g. multiple linear and polynomial regressions).